
David M. Greenberg,
Executive Vice President
In reviewing the accomplishments and milestones of Columbia University Facilities and Operations fiscal year 2015, the hallmarks of our organization – exceptional customer service, industry leadership, and university knowledge partners – remained front and center.
The proof appears in many of the milestones and events highlighted in the FY15 annual report. We continued to build a better Columbia, with new and renovated spaces (Center on Global Energy Policy; Physics Theory Center; Data Sciences Institute and Carleton Lounge in Mudd; Studebaker sixth floor; and more), infrastructure upgrades including the Pupin infrastructure project and chiller/boile... Read More

Year in review

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In depth

Building a Better Community with Small Local Businesses

Stroll around Morningside Heights and you’ll find thriving parks, breathtaking views, world-renowned academic institutions, stunning houses of worship, and much more. But perhaps the most important amenity ... Read More

Keeping Columbia Healthy

Managing the health and well-being of a student population comprised of over 30,000 diverse individuals is an enormous task. As a growing student population and an increased national focus on health issues requires universities to ... Read More

What It Takes to Put on Commencement

Commencement Day – May 20, 2015. For the thousands of Columbia graduates and their families, it was a moment to remember forever – a single day representing the culmination of years of studying ... Read More

Creating a “Living Lab” to Improve Campus Sustainability

Green became the new Columbia blue in FY 2015 as the Office of Environmental Stewardship led several initiatives to promote the campus as a “living lab”, where students, faculty and staff work together to advance sustainability ... Read More

Columbia University Facilities and Operations Behind the Scenes – “The Central Plant”

The Columbia University campus is like a small city in looking at the diversity of activities taking place, from offices to research labs, housing to food venues, and more. How does Columbia University provide ... Read More


Awards and Recognition

Women Builders Council Honors Four Columbia Affiliates with Outstanding Women Award

Women Builders Council Honors Four Columbia Affiliates with Outstanding Women Award

The Women Builders Council, an organization representing and advocating for women in the construction industry, honored four Columbia-affiliated women with an Outstanding Woman Award at its 11th annual WBC Champion Awards dinner held March 12, 2015, at Gotham Hall in Midtown. Honored at the 2015 event were:

  • Fanny Gong, Assistant Vice President, Design Management, Manhattanville Development Group, Columbia University Facilities and Operations
  • Ruth Shragowitz, Director of Project Management, Capital Project Management and Planning, Columbia University Facilities and Operations
  • Debra Romain, Principal, Deb Romain Consulting LLC and graduate of Columbia’s Minority, Women and Local Business Enterprise (MWLBE) Construction Trades Mentorship Program
  • Michelle Cooper, Project Manager at Columbia University Medical Center

Jerome L. Greene Science Center Recognized with Engineering Excellence Award

Jerome L. Greene Science Center Recognized with Engineering Excellence Award

Columbia University’s Jerome L. Greene Science Center was recognized with an American Council of Engineering Companies New York (ACEC NY) Silver Award in the category of Structural Systems as part of the organization’s 2015 Engineering Excellence Awards competition. The Engineering Excellence Awards, which were presented to 100 ACEC New York member projects in 2015, honor member firms for design achievements of superior skill and ingenuity.

Columbia Awarded Gold in STARS Sustainability Report

Columbia Awarded Gold in STARS Sustainability Report

Columbia University was awarded a Gold rating, the second highest rating, from the 2015 AASHE Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System (STARS) Report. This report touches on all areas of the university, including sustainability efforts taken throughout residential housing for students.

Columbia Ranked in Top 10 Percent of “Green Colleges” by Princeton Review

Columbia Ranked in Top 10 Percent of “Green Colleges” by Princeton Review

Columbia was ranked # 25 out of the 353 schools featured in The Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges: 2015 Edition. The schools that made the Top 50 Green Colleges list share superb sustainability practices, a strong foundation in sustainability education, and a healthy quality of life for students on campus.

Columbia Named One of "17 Amazing Green College Campuses" by Mother Nature Network

Columbia Named One of "17 Amazing Green College Campuses" by Mother Nature Network

Columbia was named one of “17 Amazing Green College Campuses” by Mother Nature Network, which highlighted the University’s Green Fund, award-winning laboratory waste solvent recycling program and annual reuse events to demonstrate how Columbia truly stands out as a sustainability leader in higher education.

Columbia Energy Challenge Recognized with Program of the Month Award

Columbia Energy Challenge Recognized with Program of the Month Award

Columbia Energy Challenge Kick-Off won a March Educational/Academic Program of the Month award for recognition by the National Residence Hall Honorary, Columbia Chapter. The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is a national honor society that recognizes leadership in the advancement of college and university residential communities. The King's Crown Chapter at Columbia University works to recognize excellence in residential life and to render the world a better place through community service.

Ruggles Basement Lounge Recognized with Outstanding Design Award

Ruggles Basement Lounge Recognized with Outstanding Design Award

The renovation of the Ruggles basement lounge was recognized by American School and University magazine with an Oustanding Design award in the Residences Halls/Lounges category. The renovated lounge features a fitness room and updated common areas. Aarris Atepa Architects designed the renovated space for Columbia.

Ruggles Hall Wins 2015 Campus Conservation Nationals Energy Challenge

Ruggles Hall Wins 2015 Campus Conservation Nationals Energy Challenge

Every year, Columbia participates in the Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN), which challenges students to reduce the energy consumption in their residence hall from its previous year's baseline. Students track their performance using a new online, realtime energy dashboard. The 2015 CCN Challenge ran from March 26th through April 9th, with 13 of the Residence Halls competing to win. The challenge ended with the EcoRep's GreenFest celebration, and recognized Ruggles Hall residents for their 15% reduction in electricity usage, beating out Woodbridge and River, who came in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. Collectively, the residence halls reduced energy usage by 4.7%, saving 17,156 kWh of electricity, or 11.8 Metric tons of CO2...the equivalent of the annual greenhouse gas emissions from almost 3 cars!

BestColleges.com recognizes Columbia as one of America's Greenest Universities

BestColleges.com recognizes Columbia as one of America's Greenest Universities

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) recognizes colleges and universities that have achieved the greatest level of success with green initiatives on-campus and within in their surrounding communities. AASHE gauges these efforts using the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS), a voluntary system that allows different colleges and universities to report trends and track their sustainability efforts. This list from BestColleges.com names the 39 U.S. colleges and universities that have earned the highest STARS ratings, thereby distinguishing themselves as the nation’s greenest schools.

Columbia Dining Ranked #2 Best College for Food in America

Columbia Dining Ranked #2 Best College for Food in America

Columbia Dining was ranked number two out of the 75 Best Colleges for Food in America by The Daily Meal.

Ferris Booth Commons Voted #4 Best Dining Hall in the Country

Ferris Booth Commons Voted #4 Best Dining Hall in the Country

Ferris Booth Commons was recognized by SpoonUniversity.com in its "Go-To Guide for Dining Halls across North America" and voted #4 out the 36 best dining halls in the country

Public Safety Rated Highest in Satisfaction in Student Quality of Life Survey

Public Safety Rated Highest in Satisfaction in Student Quality of Life Survey

Safety on campus was again rated highest in satisfaction of the categories across the 20 schools and affiliates surveyed in the March 2015 Student Quality of Life survey, a biennial University-wide survey that aims to characterize student satisfaction and provide data that will ultimately enhance the student experience at Columbia. This rating serves as a testament to the professionalism and service of our Public Safety department. As a result of the 2013 survey, Public Safety implemented a significant number of changes such as increased visibility of patrols, improvements to shuttle service, and the implementation of a text messaging system.

Public Safety Recognizes Community Members Who Help Keep our Campus Safe

Public Safety Recognizes Community Members Who Help Keep our Campus Safe

On February 26, 2015, the Columbia University Department of Public Safety held its annual Promotion, Awards & Recognition Ceremony at Low Library. Director Monte Long welcomed attendees and introduced the outstanding team members whose dedication and service help make Columbia's campus safe. Long was joined by representatives from the local NYPD precincts as well as senior administrative officers from across the University. Along with several promotions, 32 awards were given out for perfect attendance.

Columbia Brown Institute of Media Innovation Awarded 2015 Interiors Merit Award

Columbia Brown Institute of Media Innovation Awarded 2015 Interiors Merit Award

The David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Pulitzer Hall, part of the Columbia Journalism School, was awarded a 2015 Interiors Merit Award from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) New York Chapter. Designed by LTL Architects, the Brown Institute opened its doors in fall 2014. The space is designed to meet the Institute’s mission to develop innovations within a networked, digitized world.

AIA New York’s annual Design Awards Program recognizes outstanding architectural design by AIA New York Chapter members, New York City based architects in any location, and work in New York City by architects around the globe. The purpose of the awards program is to honor the architects, clients, and consultants who work together to achieve design excellence.

The Brown Insitute for Media Innovation was also honored with the following awards:

  • Award of Merit, International Association of Lighting Designers
  • Award of Citation for Strong Execution of Concept, Illuminating Engineering Society of New York City
  • Archtober Building of the Day, AIA Center for Architecture NY

Columbia University Ranks No. 1 in New York in Safe Sex Education

Columbia University Ranks No. 1 in New York in Safe Sex Education

An annual Sexual Health Report Card ranked Columbia University # 1 in New York state and # 8 overall for providing students accessibility to sexual health resources, health clinics and information.

Columbia and Barnard Recognized by Avon Foundation for Step Up! Program

Columbia and Barnard Recognized by Avon Foundation for Step Up! Program

The Columbia Health Sexual Violence Response and Barnard Well Woman programs were awarded the Avon Foundation’s Ambassador Award for their partnership in the Step Up! bystander training. The Award was presented at Avon’s Tribute Reception on November 20, 2014 in recognition of the team’s work towards fostering a safe environment for the Barnard/Columbia community. The Avon Foundation’s annual Tribute Reception honors individuals and organizations committed to ending both breast cancer and domestic violence.

Responsible Community @ Columbia Presented Award for Excellence

Responsible Community @ Columbia Presented Award for Excellence

Columbia Student Affairs presented an Award of Excellence for Outstanding Program to RC@C. Each year they select one program that makes a positive difference in the lives of CC/SEAS undergraduate students. As they stated when presenting the award, "Born from the need to create more effective programming to promote safe behaviors and positive community norms, RC@C is a successful partnership between Columbia Health and Residential Programs...Assessment efforts confirm that students enjoy having these discussions and find them to be more accessible, realistic, helpful, and informational that previous programs...One student noted 'RC@C proves how much Columbia cares about its students upon arriving on campus.'"

Go Ask Alice! Recognized Among Best Online Resources

Go Ask Alice! Recognized Among Best Online Resources

For the third consecutive year Go Ask Alice! has been recognized by Healthline for being among the best for online HIV/STD information. As they noted when announcing the award, "Chances are that if you have a question regarding sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Go Ask Alice can answer it. This interactive site is produced by Alice! Health Promotion at Columbia University, a division of Columbia Health. While it certainly can’t take the place of medical advice supplied by your own doctor, Go Ask Alice can provide accurate, reliable information about STIs. Simply browse the question library. If you can’t find the answers you seek, click on the Ask Alice icon and ask your question anonymously and without fear of embarrassment."

Faculty House Recognized as Best Unique Venue

Faculty House Recognized as Best Unique Venue

Faculty House was recognized as the Best of 2015 Unique Venue Award from Manhattan Bride magazine. Renovated in 2009 and featuring historic details, abundant natural light, panoramic views and sophisticated, globally inspired cuisine, Columbia's Faculty House is one of New York City’s premier meeting and event locations.

Facilities and Operations Wins City and State Corporate Social Responsibility Award

Facilities and Operations Wins City and State Corporate Social Responsibility Award

Columbia University Facilities and Operations was selected as an inaugural City & State Reports 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility Award honoree for Excellence in the Promotion of Workplace Diversity for New York's real estate, construction & housing sector. Former Facilities and Operations Executive Vice President Joe Ienuso was presented with the award at City & State's Corporate Social Responsibility breakfast event March 31st at John Jay College in Manhattan.

Columbia Habitat for Humanity Wins Grand Prize in Barnes and Noble Video Challenge

Columbia Habitat for Humanity Wins Grand Prize in Barnes and Noble Video Challenge

Columbia University was a grand prize winner of the Barnes & Noble College InstaBuild Video Challenge. The #BNCInstaBuild Video Challenge offered college chapters from across the country an opportunity to create an Instagram video about why their service to others is so important to them. Members of the Columbia University campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity received $5,000 from Barnes & Noble College to fund their Spring Break Collegiate Challenge trip to New Orleans. They all worked countless hours helping to build or renovate simple, decent housing for those in need. Barnes and Noble is the University's bookstore partner.

Columbia Named Bicycle Friendly Business

Columbia Named Bicycle Friendly Business

On the heels of being named a Bike Friendly University, Columbia was also recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Business by the League of American Bicyclists for encouraging a more welcoming atmosphere for its bicycling community. Efforts include enhanced bike parking, discounts at local bike shops, bicycling workshops and more.

Financial highlights

FY 15 Capital Spend ($ in millions)

Comparison Summary of FY14 to FY15, Capital Spend by Campus/Sector
Campus/Sector FY14 Total Spend FY15 Total Spend % of FY15 Spend Variance FY15 less FY14 % Change
Morningside $126.6 $151.7 32% $25.1 20%
Manhattanville $257.1 $304.3 63% $47.1 18%
Property Acquisitions / Infrastructure $12.6 $23.8 5% $11.2 89%
Total $396.4 $479.8 100% $83.4 21%
Comparison Summary of FY14 to FY15, Capital Spend by Strategic Goal
Strategic Goal FY14 Total Spend FY15 Total Spend % of FY15 Spend Variance FY15 less FY14 % Change
Academic / Student Facilities $39.5 $28.3 6% -$11.3 -29%
Administration $4.2 $6.6 1% $2.4 58%
Expand and Strengthen Sciences $18.5 $39.0 8% $20.5 111%
Faculty / Graduate Housing $34.3 $33.1 7% -$1.2 -4%
Information Technology $1.6 $0.9 0% -$0.7 -44%
Manhattanville $257.1 $304.3 63% $47.1 18%
Academic SOGR $28.6 $44.0 9% $15.3 54%
Property Acquisitions / Infrastructure $12.6 $23.8 5% $11.2 89%
Total $396.4 $479.8 100% $83.4 21%

FY 15 Operating Expenses ($ in millions)

Comparison Summary of FY14 to FY15
FY15 Actual Expenses FY14 Total Spend FY15 Total Spend % of FY15 Spend Variance FY15 vs FY14 % Change
Residential Operations $165.65 $164.75 37% -$0.90 -1%
Capital Project Management & Planning $5.71 $5.51 1% -$0.20 -4%
Manhattanville Development Group $7.77 $7.82 2% $0.05 1%
Academic Operations $59.59 $62.87 14% $3.28 5%
Manhattanville Campus Operations $0.41 $1.18 0% $0.77 187%
EVP Facilities & Finance & Administration $4.50 $5.17 1% $0.67 15%
Strategic Communications $0.73 $1.03 0% $0.30 41%
Real Estate $14.70 $12.87 3% -$1.83 -12%
Utilities $31.48 $31.06 7% -$0.43 -1%
Public Safety $20.30 $22.25 5% $1.95 10%
Student Services $13.24 $13.71 3% $0.47 4%
Campus Services $113.88 $117.01 26% $3.13 3%
Total Actual Expenses $437.98 $445.23 100% $7.25 2%
Residential Operations Expenses Summary
FY15 Residential Expenses FY14 Total Spend FY15 Total Spend % of FY15 Spend Variance FY15 vs FY14 % Change
Direct Expense $114.97 $112.88 69% -$2.09 -2%
Indirect Expense $16.06 $20.40 12% $4.34 27%
Debt Service $34.62 $31.47 19% -$3.15 -9%
Total Residential Expenses $165.65 $164.75 100% -$0.90 -1%
Comparison Summary of FY14 to FY15, Recoveries by Department
FY15 Recoveries FY14 Total Recoveries FY15 Total Recoveries % of FY15 Recoveries Variance FY15 vs FY14 % Change
Capital Project Management & Planning -$5.13 -$5.75 8% -$0.63 12%
Manhattanville Development Group -$15.42 -$18.32 24% -$2.90 19%
Academic Operations -$21.25 -$23.20 31% -$1.95 9%
EVP Facilities & Finance & Administration $0.09 $0.07 0% -$0.02 -20%
Real Estate -$0.18 -$0.20 0% -$0.02 13%
Utilities -$2.68 -$2.54 3% $0.14 -5%
Public Safety -$10.14 -$11.51 15% -$1.37 14%
Student Services -$0.15 -$0.44 1% -$0.29 202%
Campus Services -$13.12 -$14.12 19% -$1.00 8%
Total Recoveries -$67.97 -$76.02 100% -$8.05 12%